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BaltaCode is a website created
to download high quality game scripts for FREE FOREVER!

Not just free, but CC0, meaning you can use them for absolutely any purpose without restrictions.

No paywalls or signup required, simply download what you want and use it immediately without worry.

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Color Extension

Get dozens of colors ready to customize your materials in a single line of code.

Player Prefs File Extension

Save and load player data easily using Unity's save system.

Struct Buffer Time

Set a buffer time to do any action, even if it happened a little earlier.

Initializer Controller

Configuring settings in a given script is simpler with the Initializer Controller. It is not necessary to reference the method (OnInitilize) in the Awake of each script, every time you need to inherit the interface (I Initializer Listener).

Layer Mask Extension

Have more control over what to do with each LayerMask. With Layer Mask Extension it is possible: Add and remove certain layers and much more!

Min Max Slider Attribute

Simple minimum and maximum slider where values can be defined: Integers, Floats and even other variable names (which are also Int or float) as a reference.

Sliding Puzzle Game

Sliding Puzzle Game can be done in any slot size.

Input Buffer

Even if the player clicked early, it is still possible to perform an action a little later with Input Buffer Time.

Event Trigger Extension

Add and/or remove events in mouse functions already pre-implemented by Unity. With this script, it makes it easier to control which events should be called at any given time.

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